Watch from our bird hides as thousands of shorebirds swirl in flocks over the beautiful coast and visit our centre to learn more about their fascinating world. Only an hour from Auckland and at the doorstep of the breathtaking Coromandel Peninsula, this is a hidden and peaceful gem for birders, locals and international guests.

The best bird-watching is two hours either side of high tide and you can find this information and more about our guided tours, accommodation, book shop and what we have on offer to get the most out of your visit.
Become more familiar with the birds you might see on your visit. Find out when they’re most likely to be here, some tips for spotting them and other fun facts.

News & Updates
Learn more about the Pūkorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ Trust and its work in these highlighted articles from our magazines and project updates.
The Pūkorokoro Shorebird Centre is an independent charitable trust that is committed to ‘Keep the Birds Coming’. If you would like to learn more or support our mahi, please join us! There’s something for everyone.

Recent Sightings

Arctic Migrants & Vagrants
7440 Kuaka / Bar-tailed godwit
484 Huahou / Red knot
57 Kuriri Pacific golden plover
15 Turnstone
4 Australian tern
4 Sharp-tailed sandpiper
1 Red-necked stint
1 Semi-palmated plover
New Zealand Species
4000 Tōrea / South Island Pied Oystercatcher
1700 Ngutu parore / Wrybill
58 Kōtuku ngutupapa / Royal spoonbill
5 Moho pererū / Banded rail
6 Taranui / Caspian tern
5 Tūturiwhatu / NZ Dotterel
Hybrid stilts
Tarāpuka / Black-billed gulls
Poaka / Pied stilts
Tōrea pango / Variable oystercatcher
Matuku moana / White-faced heron
Kāruhiruhi / Pied shag
Māpunga / Black shag