What time of day is best?
The best time to see the birds from the bird hides is within two hours either side of HIGH TIDE. The birds feed out on the mud flats while the tide is out and as it comes in they use this time to roost, sleep and preen. See the tides in our calendar below. For future dates visit the LINZ predictions website and search for Thames.
You can visit the Shorebird Centre 9am-5pm to learn about the birds, seven days a week, all year round.
What time of year is best?
There are always birds to see at Pūkorokoro, but different species are here at different times.
Godwits, and other Arctic migrants arrive in September and are here until the end of March.
Wrybill and other NZ migrants arrive in January and are here until June.
We also have birds that are resident here all year round.
Calendar – Tides and Events
The tides on this calendar are the high tide times. The best time to view the birds here is a couple of hours either side of the times here.
If you click on the tides you will also see a note that includes the tide height (m).
You can add these tides and events to your own Calendar. Learn how to subscribe using the instructions below the calendar.
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Subscribe to our Shorebird Centre Tides & Events Calendar
- On your computer, open Google Calendar – you can’t do this from your phone or other device
- On the left, next to “Other calendars,” click the plus sign, then select ‘From URL’.
- Right click on this link – the Calendar’s Address – then select ‘Copy Link Address’ and paste it as the ‘URL of calendar’
- Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under “Other calendars.”
- Tip: It might take up to 12 hours for changes to show in your Google Calendar.