Pūkorokoro is located on the Firth of Thames, a shallow inlet extending north from the Hauraki Plains.
Across the bay to the east, lie the volcanic ridges of the Coromandel Peninsula.
Inland from Pūkorokoro, are the bush clad Hunua Ranges.
On the western side of the bay is a narrow coastal plain comprised entirely of shell ridges, or cheniers, separated by in filled mud which has built up over the last 4500 years.
Chenier Plains

The shell chenier plain at Pūkorokoro is considered one of the best examples of this landform in the world. Read more
There’s more to Glasswort than meets the eye

Olga Bochner explores the fascinating history of Glasswort, or Sarcocornia, the pretty little succulent which lines many of the paths leading to the bird hides. Read more