The Shorebird Centre contributes to a number of research and conservation projects at Pūkorokoro, both independently and in collaboration with local and international partners.
International Research and Partnerships

Our engagement with the East Asian Australasian Flyway, and the organisations that seek to protect it, has become a core role for the Shorebird Centre. The Flyway is the network of interlinked habitats used by migratory shorebirds and other waterbirds, between their breeding grounds in the Arctic, and non-breeding sites – most of which are in the Southern Hemisphere.
Godwit Monitoring and Research

Pacific Golden Plover Research

Where’s Goldie? is our Pacific Golden Plover project.
The projects aim is to learn more about these enigmatic birds – the fourth most common Arctic migrants to visit New Zealand – and in particular to find out why their numbers have fallen sharply. When the Birds NZ Wader Census started 30 years ago it recorded an annual count of a thousand Kuriri, but today there are closer to 200.
Red Knot Monitoring

Habitat Restoration
