Autumn Migration Day | Sunday 2nd March
Dr Phil Battley will be here to update us on godwits and knots. What did we know about these species 50 years ago? What do we know now? How did we get here?
High tide is 9.40am so arrive early to see the birds, bring your lunch and the talk will begin at 1.00pm. All welcome.
50th Anniversary Flyway Commemoration | Tuesday 4th March
Her Excellency, the Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro, Governor-General of New Zealand will be attending along with diplomatic staff from flyway countries. Attendance is restricted and there will be other events through the year where all our members and supporters can join us to celebrate this significant milestone with us.
Annual General Meeting | Sunday 4th May
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 4th May. The meeting will be in the morning, bring your lunch and catch up with or make new friends. High tide is 12.30pm so you’ll be able to spend the afternoon birdwatching.
Working Bee & Potluck Dinner | Saturday 16th August
We welcome everyone interested to come and join this fun day caring for our wonderful centre and spaces. There will be more details at the time on jobs we will be tackling, tools to bring etc. High tide is 12.15pm so we will make some time to watch the birds in the afternoon followed by a potluck dinner and speaker TBC.
50th Anniversary Members Lunch | Sunday 31st August
We are planning a special event for all our members to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Trust in 2025. We will email you those details nearer the time.
Spring Migration Day | Sunday 12th October
Dr Dan Ruthrauff, US Geological Survey shorebird biologist based in Alaska, will give a talk in the morning, bring your lunch and then we will spend the afternoon birdwatching. High tide is 11.45pm.