
Firth of Thames Wader Census | Sunday 30th June

If you’d like to be a part of the Firth of Thames Wader Census and count the birds around the coast then email Tony Habraken (aahabraken@gmail.com) for more details.


Working Bee & Potluck Dinner | Saturday 17th August

Join our annual Working Bee to prepare for the coming summer season, catch up with friends and make some time for birdwatching. Stay for the potluck dinner and hear about one of our members recent trip to the Sub-antarctic Islands. Always a fun weekend and everyone is welcome for all or part of it.

Shorebird Coast Fun Run | Saturday 31st August

Come and join The Shorebird Coast Run along the Hauraki Rail Trail and Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve! Get out and active and support the Pūkorokoro Shorebird Centre all at the same time. With the stunning view of the Tīkapa Moana and a wetland of international significance as your path it will surely be a breeze 🏃🏃‍♀️

There will be 5km, 12km and kids course options, food trucks, plus a talk at the Centre and Guides at our hides so you can make a day of it.

Register here today


Spring Migration Day | Saturday 12th October

There will be a talk at the Centre at 10.00am then bring your lunch and catch up with new and old friends. Then head out to watch the birds. High tide is 2.54pm and there will be lots of helpful friendly guides out at the bird hides. A great day out for the whole family.


Firth of Thames Wader Census | Sunday 3rd November

If you’d like to be a part of the Firth of Thames Wader Census and count the birds around the coast then email Tony Habraken (aahabraken@gmail.com) for more details.

Click here for this years courses