The day to day running of the Shorebird Centre and its grounds requires a substantial amount of work and the Trust is very grateful to those who are willing to give up their free time to help us out at the Centre. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available. Have a look below and get in contact with us – your help is always appreciated!
Read about our Volunteer opportunities below and email or phone us at the centre to get started
admin@shorebirds.org.nz | 09 232 2781
Volunteers and Guides
Our group of volunteer superstars help us out on a regular basis at the Shorebird Centre, and become knowledgeable members of the Shorebird Centre whanau.
Helping out can be anything from assisting with the shop or school groups, guiding and interpreting for visitors at the bird hides, or helping with gardening or weeding at our native planting sites.
Volunteers are asked to commit to helping one day a month on our roster.
In an effort to make volunteers feel more comfortable with these tasks, we hold regular training days. These cover the basics of running the shop and the Shorebird Centre and may include guided walks from bird and plant experts, help on giving talks to groups, updates on the latest research and bird identification sessions. Carpooling may be possible.
Extended Stay Volunteering
We sometimes require assistance for longer periods, especially over the peak Spring-Summer season. If you are interested in staffing the visitor centre, helping with weeding or on the Reserve for a week or more, we can offer free accommodation in one of the bunkrooms and the use of a bicycle. Contact the Centre for more details and to discuss options.
Note: These discretionary positions are only available to New Zealand residents or Visa holders already residing in New Zealand.
Shorebird Centre Gardeners
Shorebird Centre supporters have the opportunity to help in the garden around the centre and on the reserve.
A feature of the grounds is Widgery Lake, a pond with an island in the middle. At various times of the year it is home to banded rail, pukeko, white faced heron, little shag and mallard, and also a stop off point for passing bittern or white heron. A walkway winds its way through the flax, grasses and other native vegetation around the pond. To the south of the garden, beside an attractive cabbage tree grove is a seat with good views over the pond.
The Findlay Reserve Restoration project began in 2019 and each year thousands of native coastal wetland species are planted with the aim to restore the mauri to the land. This is a major effort in planning, coordinating, sourcing and growing plants for an annual week/weekend of planting.
Firth of Thames Bird Census
Regularly counting birds is an essential research tool for science and conservation. Run by Birds NZ and held twice a year the summer and winter Census days are a good chance to get involved with ongoing fieldwork and research. Check out the Events page for the next census or training sessions.
Our Magazine
Members, volunteers and visitors are always welcome to contribute to the PMNT News! Send contributions to us here.
There is something for everyone! If you have skills that could help us in any other way, we would like to know about it. Come and join us, it’s a fun, passionate and inclusive group who make the Pūkorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ Trust such a success.
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