We are following the New Zealand Government’s COVID-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System). Here you’ll find everything you need to know about planning your visit.
We are currently in Red

Visitors Centre | For entering the Shorebird Centre: – Wear a face covering – Limit 15 people If we reach our maximum capacity in the centre or have an event/course we may need to close temporarily or have restricted access to some areas. Thank you for your patience and understanding. |
Accommodation | For staying in our accommodation: – Wear a face covering while inside shared spaces We will only have one group per room for our bunk rooms. Scan in every time you return to the centre. Only overnight guests and staff will have access to the kitchen facilities. |
Trails | We welcome everyone to enjoy the outdoors spaces and trails on the Reserve. |
Hides | For entering our bird hides: – Wear a face covering if there are others sharing the space – Maximum capacity inside |
Scopes | For sharing scopes with our Shoreguide: – Wear a face covering |
The Health and Safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors is our priority. The Pūkorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ Trust sets high standards based on the latest research and the protection of native species and we reflect these standards in the protection of our people.
You will be able to visit our Shorebird Centre knowing it is a safe space for you and your whānau to experience and enjoy.
Will you still run Events and Courses?
Courses and events are a highlight of our calendar and we would be disappointed to cancel any, but they will need to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Many of our courses and events involve large numbers of participants or close settings that could pose risks. We will keep participants and our calendar updated with any changes or requirements.
You can find out more about the Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System) here https://www.business.govt.nz/covid-19/covid-19-protection-framework/
As Government advice changes we expect that these guidelines will also change so please check back.
Kia kaha everyone. These are unprecedented times so please keep yourselves, whānau and friends safe and be kind to everyone in our communities facing it with us.
Nga mihi nui,
– The Pūkorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre Team