The result of a very successful working bee last weekend is a new hide.

Considerably larger and more elaborate than the current hide, it was built at the shorebird centre, then dismantled and taken down to the shell bank. It is  positioned several hundred metres immediately south of the existing hide  facing out towards the end of the main shell spit. We are very grateful to the 28 people who turned up on Saturday to assist.

We plan to move the old hide slightly to the north where it will face out over the Stilt Ponds.

In conjunction with the new hide, we are upgrading our trail system. A new trail now leads directly from the carpark to the new hide. The existing trail from the shorebird centre is  being realigned and upgraded as well. It was initially hoped to have all work completed by Christmas, but at this stage it is not certain we will achieve that goal. We are most grateful to staff from the Auckland Area Office, DOC who have been assisting with the trail upgrade.




New bird hide for Miranda