Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 510 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit1 Huahou / Red Knot NZ Species2500 Torea / South Island Pied Oystercatcher2300 Ngutu Parore / Wrybill180 Caspian Tern42 Royal Spoonbill40
Recent Sightings May 2022
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 510 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit1 Huahou / Red Knot NZ Species2500 Torea / South Island Pied Oystercatcher2300 Ngutu Parore / Wrybill180 Caspian Tern42 Royal Spoonbill40
Recent Sightings March 2022
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 2500 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit1380 Huahou / Red Knot44 Kuriri / Pacific Golden Plover6 Whimbrel (Piako)20 Turnstone (Taramaire)1 Black-tailed godwit1 Curlew Sandpiper1 Eastern Curlew1 Grey-tailed
Recent Sightings February 2022
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 4320 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit1380 Huahou / Red Knot44 Kuriri / Pacific Golden Plover6 Whimbrel (Piako)20 Turnstone (Taramaire)1 Black-tailed godwit1 Curlew Sandpiper1 Eastern Curlew1 Grey-tailed
Recent Sightings January 2022
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 4320 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit1380 Huahou / Red Knot34 Kuriri / Pacific Golden Plover6 Whimbrel (Piako)20 Turnstone (Taramaire)1 Black-tailed godwit1 Curlew Sandpiper1 Eastern Curlew1 Grey-tailed
Recent Sightings December 2021
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 4320 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit1380 Huahou / Red Knot20 Kuriri / Pacific Golden Plover6 Whimbrel (Piako)20 Turnstone (Taramaire)1 Black-tailed godwit1 Curlew Sandpiper1 Grey-tailed tattler1 Sharp-tailed
Recent Sightings 14 October 2021
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants C4000 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit630 Huahou / Red Knot6 Kuriri / Pacific Golden Plover6 Whimbrel (Piako)4 Turnstone1 Black-tailed godwit1 Curlew Sandpiper1 Grey-tailed tattler1 Sharp-tailed sandpiper
Recent Sightings 8 September 2021
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Arctic Migrants and Vagrants 1600 Kuaka / Bar Tailed Godwit118 Huahou / Red Knot1 Kuriri / Pacific Golden Plover 1 Curlew Sandpiper NZ Species518 Torea / South Island Pied Oystercatcher83
Recent Sightings May 2021
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 640 Bar Tailed Godwit58 Red Knot1 Turnstone1 Lesser Sandplover1 Curlew Sandpiper NZ Species3100 South Island Pied Oystercatcher1950 WrybillPied Stilt80 Royal Spoonbill15 White Fronted Tern60 Banded DotterelNZ DotterelBlack
Recent Sightings March 2021
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 3900 Bar-tailed Godwit 1075 Red Knot 11 Turnstone 36 Pacific Golden Plover 2 Far Eastern Curlew 1 Sharp Tailed Sandpiper 1 Lesser Sandplover 1 Curlew Sandpiper 1