Somewhat unusually many of the birds spent January roosting at the north end of the stilt ponds. Sightings of the Little Curlew continued sporadically through January. Wrybills and Oystercatchers returned in force. A banded rail family was seen regularly at
Dec-15 sightings
Grey Teal are breeding on Widgery Lake this year, oddly enough a first record. Banded Rail are also seen around the edges of the lake. Down at the ponds and at the shellbanks… Migrants and Vagrants 1 Little Whimbrel seen
Oct-15 Sightings
The end of October and early November saw a sighting of Banded Rail back on Widgery Lake. A grey teal family on the lake is actually the first record of teal breeding on the lake. Migrants and Vagrants 3900 Bar-tailed
Recent Sightings Feb-15
In Feb the arctic migrants are getting into their breeding plumage – red chests for the male godwits, fine brown barring for the females. A juvenile Black-billed Gull has unexpectedly took up residence in Widgery Lake, it left and in
Recent Sightings Jan 15
Another Eastern Curlew is spending time out on the shell bank, it arrived in time for viewing during the Field Course. The Wrybill and South Island Pied Oystercatchers are returning to Pukorokoro Miranda after breeding in the South Island. Our
Recent Sightings Nov-14
The Greenshank was a nice addition to the bird list for a day, its a shame it didn’t stay around a bit longer, at least those looking for it got a chance to see the 2 glossy ibis that showed
Recent Sightings July 2014
Migrants and Vagrants c 500 Bar-tailed Godwit 1 Black-tailed Godwit c 400 Red Knot 2 Great Knot 2 Pacific Golden Plover 4 Ruddy Turnstone 2 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 1 Marsh Sandpiper 3 Red-necked Stint 5 Curlew Sandpiper 1 Eastern Curlew NZ
Recent Sightings Jan-14
The godwits and knots are all here, and the juveniles are getting hard to spot. The Wrybill and South Island Pied Oystercatchers are returning from the breeding grounds so numbers are on the rise. The Black-billed Gulls nested successfully on the shellbanks,
Sightings 20 May 2013
The big flocks of Arctic migrants have departed on their way north. By now the godwits should be heading to Alaska. The wrybill flock is now the highlight of the stilt ponds, with their flights looking stunning in the lower
Sightings March 10 2013
The flocks of Arctic migrants are beginning to diminish with several Godwit departures observed yesterday evening. According to what we now know of the migration schedules of individual birds, further departures can be expected right through until end of the