Wrybill and SIPO numbers are increasing daily as they return from their breeding grounds. The Shore Plover is still present as is the Marsh Sandpiper. Look for the banded rail by the carpark gate. Unfortunately it’s been too dry for
December-12 sightings
There has been much activity at Miranda recently with chicks hatching at the Black-billed Gull colony on the shell bank, and Pied Oystercatchers beginning to arrive back from the south. There should also be Wrybill heading back as well.
September 2012 sightings
It is changing of the guards time at Miranda. Wrybill numbers are now down to a few hundred as birds move south to their South Island breeding areas. Meanwhile Bar-tailed Godwits have begun returning to join the 250 or so
April 2012 sightings
Those godwit and knot intending to migrate this year are most likely all gone, leaving just several hundred of each species in residence. However those godwits that steadily departed since early March may well be wondering about the wisdom of
January 2012 sightings
Wrybill and Pied Oystercatcher numbers are increasing as South Island breeding birds return. Bittern have been confirmed breeding at Miranda for the first time since records began, with four well developed juveniles seen in late December. The sub-tropical weather system
December-11 Sightings
Banded Rail are still being seen regularly in the mangroves at the carpark gate. Look back once you’ve parked your car. There have also been several sightings of Bittern in tha area lately. The Marsh sandpiper is still being seen
November-11 Sightings
The Miranda high tide roost is now covered in godwits and knots, including many juvenile godwits. Wrybill numbers are down to about 100 with all others away on their breeding grounds. The two gull-billed terns are still regulars near the
Recent Sightings October 2011
Spring is back and with it the bird numbers at Miranda begin to increase. While the SIPO flock is low and the Wrybill numbers have recently dropped the Godwits and Knots are back to make up for it- including juvenile
Recent Sightings Aug-11
The Marsh Sandpiper stayed the winter and is still present on the Stilt Ponds. The SIPO have departed to the South Island, and the Wrybill are leaving slowly. Those that will attempt to breed should be gone in the next
Recent Sightings May-11
Most of the Arctic Migrants have headed off on their journey north, SIPO are using the normal roost at Miranda and the smaller roost at the south of Kaiaua, but Wrybill are largely found between Taramaire and the limeworks. A