Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 3900 Bar-tailed Godwit 1075 Red Knot 11 Turnstone 36 Pacific Golden Plover 2 Far Eastern Curlew 1 Sharp Tailed Sandpiper 1 Lesser Sandplover 1 Curlew Sandpiper 1
Recent Sightings January 2021
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 5360 Bar-tailed Godwit 870 Red Knot 14 Turnstone 37 Pacific Golden Plover 3 Far Eastern Curlew 2 Sharp Tailed Sandpiper 1 Lesser Sandplover 1 Curlew Sandpiper NZ
The Great PGP Miss
As 2020 came to a close, and holiday plans and last minute work pressures consumed many people’s thoughts, the Pacific Golden Plover team had their minds on more ornithological matters – another attempt to catch some PGPs and fit them with transmitters.
Recent Sightings December 2020
Best bird watching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 4800+ Bar-tailed Godwit 1200 Red Knot 14 Turnstone 28 Pacific Golden Plover 3 Far Eastern Curlew 2 Sharp Tailed Sandpiper 1 Lesser Sandplover 1 Curlew Sandpiper NZ
Our New World Record Holder!
Much has happened in Aotearoa and across the globe since our Arctic migrants left us in March. Now we are excited to welcome them “home”. The return of the godwits has been even more thrilling this season as the Global Flyway Network Project has made it possible to follow some birds as they make their way across the world.
The Godwits Return
Much has happened in Aotearoa and across the globe since our Arctic migrants left us in March. Now we are excited to welcome them “home”. The return of the godwits has been even more thrilling this season as the Global Flyway Network Project has made it possible to follow some birds as they make their way across the world.
Recent Sightings July 2020
Best bird watching is two hours eitherside of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants516 Bar-tailed Godwit27 Red Knot NZ Species2200 South Island Pied Oystercatcher1800 Wrybill1100 Pied Stilts57 Royal Spoonbill57 Caspian Tern6 White-fronted terns1 BitternVariable OystercatcherNZ DotterelAustralasian ShovelerBanded DotterelBanded RailHybrid Black Stilts More
Watch the Kuriri project Winter 2020 update
14th July 2020. Johan Kok from has put together another wonderful documentary about the challenges and successes from the summer season. Jim Eagles the project coordinator updates us on the progress from the volunteer efforts to catch Pacific Golden
Recent Sightings June 2020
Best bird watching is two hours eitherside of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants516 Bar-tailed Godwit27 Red Knot4 Black-fronted Dotterel1 Red-necked Stint1 Black-tailed Godwit1 Hudsonian Godwit NZ Species2200 South Island Pied Oystercatcher1800 Wrybill1100 Pied Stilts57 Royal Spoonbill57 Caspian Tern6 White-fronted terns1 BitternVariable
Another Kuriri update
7th July 2020 Just when you thought it was safe to forget about Pacific Golden Plovers, after two months of radio silence one of the six tags we deployed this season seems to be working again. After hearing nothing from