The census on the 24th June 2018 revealed we have 2,700 Wrybill here on the shellbank and another 900 in the Firth of Thames. That’s over 65% of the estimated Wrybill population. Sighting of 2 male Northern Shovellers inside the
Fitting together more key pieces of the Yellow Sea jigsaw puzzle
PMNT’s groundbreaking work to locate – and consequently seek to protect – the roosts around the Yellow Sea vital to our migratory shorebirds has just taken two huge steps forward. One team of observers has just returned from North Korea
Birds and photographers flock to Yalu Jiang
For several years now PMNT has been involved in shorebird surveys in the Yellow Sea region, but this year’s work took on a slightly different angle. As well as completing bird counts, we wanted to try to answer the
A great thank you from the Great Knot
Earlier this year we asked our members to contribute to a programme of supplementary feeding for shorebirds in the Yellow Sea. Attached is a report on that project. We’d like to thank our members for contributing to this emergency appeal,
Recent Sightings May-2018
During May we welcomed the ducks and swans to the Stilt Pond which seem to take shelter here over the Duck shooting season. The highlights and crowd-pleasers are the continued sightings of a black-tailed godwit and the northern shoveler though,
Recent Sightings Apr-2018
Best birdwatching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 300 Bar-tailed Godwit 30 Red Knot 12 Pacific Golden Plover 12 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 2 Red-necked Stint NZ Species 2000 South Island Pied Oystercatcher 2000 Wrybill 590 Black-billed Gulls
Recent Sightings Feb-2018
Best birdwatching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 7100 Bar-tailed Godwit 1870 Red Knot 129 Pacific Golden Plover 14 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 13 Ruddy Turnstone 2 Red-necked Stint 1 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Curlew Sandpiper 1 Eastern Curlew
Recent Sightings Jan-2018
During the combination of storm and king tide on the 5th of January we lost approx. half the Black-billed gull chicks and all of the White-fronted tern chicks and nests. Unfortunately the adult Terns have still not returned to the
Recent Sightings Dec-2017
Best birdwatching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 7100 Bar-tailed Godwit 1870 Red Knot 129 Pacific Golden Plover 13 Turnstone 9 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 2 Red-necked Stint 1 Curlew Sandpiper Arctic Skua NZ Species 740 South Island
Recent Sightings Nov-2017
Best birdwatching is two hours either side of high tide. Migrants and Vagrants 7100 Bar-tailed Godwit 70 Juvenile Godwit 1643 Red Knot 91 Pacific Golden Plover 8 Turnstone 5 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 2 Red-necked Stint 1 Marsh Sandpiper 1 Curlew Sandpiper Arctic