Its all about the wrybills and the oystercatchers at this time of year. The stilt pools are pretty flooded so the birds have been on the mudflats and banks. The two dabchickson the stilt ponds were an indication of how flooded the land is this winter.
Migrants and Vagrants
189 Bar-tailed Godwit
100 Red Knot
1 Marsh Sandpiper
NZ Species
2100 Wrybill
97 Banded Dotterel
5000+ South Island Pied Oystercatchers
82 Royal Spoonbill
Black-billed Gulls
Caspian Tern
White Fronted Tern
997 Pied Stilts
Hybrid Black Stilt
New Zealand Dotterel
Variable Oystercatchers
2 Dabchick on the stilt ponds
Recent Sightings July-15